Monday, February 9, 2009

Mill Response

Yes, I do agree with Mill that governments have no right to interfere with an individual's liberty unless that individual's behavior will cause harm to someone because a person's nature is to be free and uncontrolled. If it's not harming anyone then let the person do it. What does it matter? If governments controlled everything that every person did, people would start to rebel to regain their own freedom. People are like wild animals; if you keep them in a cage, they will find a way to get out, and then the real problems will be unleashed.


  1. I think if you do not have laws then we would be like wild animals out of our cages. I think we should have our privacy and be ablee to do pretty much what we want but at the same time we need to have some type of order to be able to function as a society.

  2. I like your cage/wild animal analogy. I feel the same way! If I am given too much structure, it just makes me want to break free. Government is important to protect us from harm, but also to protect our individual freedoms.
